This followed the show's return from a long hiatus in its second season, due to what the PTC claimed were 'strong advertiser resistance and low ratings'. In May 2000, in an email, the PTC launched a letter-writing campaign to the Fox network to persuade the network to cancel Family Guy. The Parents Television Council, a conservative non-profit watchdog group, has published critical views of Family Guy. Lane described Family Guy as among several television sitcoms that he believed were 'aimed at the darker side of family life.' Parents Television Council In his 2006 book The Decency Wars: The Campaign to Cleanse American Culture, author Frederick S. This cutaway angered audience members and led to protests by several AIDS service organizations. The airing of this episode led to immediate backlash. For example, in the episode ' The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire', Peter and a barbershop quartet sing and dance around the bed of a man with end-stage AIDS.
The jokes that receive controversy are often found in the cutaway gags. Brent Bozell III, founder of the Parents Television Council, has frequently criticized Family Guy for its content and has accused it of anti-Christian themes.įamily Guy 's frequent use of offensive jokes and satire has led to controversy.